In the middle of the luring power of the advance science and technology nowadays, a lot of people have been enticed to the magical access that high technological gadgets have released today. This has clearly made a paradigm shift of today’s difference of routines and culture from the kind of nature that we have years and decades ago.

Children nowadays are so hooked up with the new technology that their childhood has become so different from what we had once. This is the reason why we should encourage today’s generation to indulge with some activities that can create a good childhood for these children.

Here are some activities that you can do with your kids at home:

Doll house

Playing with a doll house has never been passé. A doll house is not exclusive for the use of girls, however, more girls would prefer to play with a doll house compared to boys. Maybe one of the possibilities is that boys are often teased whenever they play with feminine stuff such as a doll house, or with some Barbie dolls.


Doll House



On the other hand, letting your kids play with other kids in the neighborhood can create friendship and a great childhood. Kids can play with a doll house with different learning, creativity, and imagination. They can surely explore with the notion of designing their own home. They can place some furniture in their doll house, they can arrange the things in their doll house living room,  and they can even also do some kitchen remodels of their own version.




Indulging with physical and fitness activities can help children to have a healthy body. They can release energy through playing basketball. Basketball has always been famous everywhere you go. So it is important to give your children a time to learn how to play basketball. It would also be nice for them to have a wonderful time with their playmates. They can surely build a bond of trust, unity, and friendship together.




Soccer or also known as football is sport that can be played just in the neighborhood. It is a sport that exercises the body most especially the foot. It can surely help strengthen the muscles on the leg as well.  It is a good thing for kids to play these kinds of game as it can build a good relationship with their friends since it requires cooperation, unity, team work, strategy, and strength.


Jumping Rope or Skipping Rope

Jumping rope is a game and at the same time, serves as an exercise as well. It can be played individually or by group or pairs. It is a game that most of us would probably be well aware of since it is often used as a part of physical fitness exercise. It can be played individually by scoring the highest number of jumping in the rope successfully. The same mechanics go along with playing jumping rope by groups or pairs. However, in this kind of game, the group or the pair should jump together.

Jumping Rope

Role Playing Game

Role playing game is one of the most adventurous and imaginative kind of game for kids. It is time for them to imagine and creatively think of things as if they are grown up men and women. Kids who play this kind of game usually make a mini house where they can act as a family. There is one kid who plays as a mom, and other who act as the mom. There are also an acting for the children too. Kids would have the idea of having a business and cooking sessions during the game. They can also have their own version of money as well by using some green leaves that would serve as the money or maybe they can use real play money. There are plenty of learning that these children can have during such kinds of games. This games would enhance their way of thinking and imagining things as if they are adults too.

Role Playing

These are just some of the things that you can usually let your kids play with. These are a good kind of habit for them aside from being hooked up with playing on virtual games. Through these games, children can have a real life interaction with other people and other children as well. It would be a good time for them to make friends and get to know other children. It is a good practice for them to socialize and create friendship too. This can surely help your children have fun, learn, and develop psychologically.

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